We Are A First Love Movement - The heart of the Burn is first and foremost, the passionate pursuit for the presence of God. We gather, regardless of denominational affiliation, to cry out to God night and day for an awakening in the Church, an unprecedented global harvest of souls and the transformation of entire cities!
Restoring The Tabernacle Of David - We believe the Burn is an expression and fulfillment of the restoration of David’s Tabernacle, according to Amos 9:11 and Acts 15:16. Our aim is vertical worship: Singing straight to God’s heart whether there are people around to hear or not.
A Culture Of Honor & Unity - We honor mothers & fathers who’ve gone before us. We love a multi-generational expression of the heart of God! We deeply value unity, and come humbly to serve the move of God in a region. We don’t care who gets the credit, only that the presence of God spreads across the nation, because we believe that all the streams are flowing into one river.
A Covenant Community - We believe that the strength of our prayers and worship are founded in the constitution of our community. Our prayer is every heart in one accord. The Trinity is our model for true community, and our desire is to fulfill the prayers of Jesus in John 17:20-22
Dreamers Filled With Radical Hope & Optimism - Our hope is in Jesus. We have the foolish audacity to believe that all things are possible with Him. We live from Heaven to earth and not from earth to Heaven. We live without ceilings or floors, always asking “how can we give Him more?” and we live childlike, knowing that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.
Birthing A Creative Renaissance Movement - The way we do life is dynamic and fresh. The songs we birth will not be just for charismatic churches, but for the whole world. We create a place where artists can interact with the divine.
We Are Missional - The great commission is not optional. The authority of the first commandment empowers us to do the second. We believe that we cannot have the FIRE without the FRAGRANCE, that our intimacy leads to advocacy, and that prayer empowers mission. Every one of our Burns has the justice or missions element according to Mark 16:15.
Biblical Kingdom Theology - We love the Bible A LOT! We teach and pray the bible. We’re lovers of His Word. We believe that it is vital to our life in God, to the functioning of the Church, and should be the basis for the way we engage in prayer and worship.
Supernatural Culture - The manifestation of your love and devotion will result in the spiritual gifts. We believe that signs must follow us…if we truly claim to be His disciples and that we can actually be the manifestation of our prayers. We believe the Burn is a greenhouse to activate the gifts of the Spirit. We’re not out to debate it, it just happens! It’s what happens when God is resting in your midst. 1 Corinthians 12-14.
Actively Equipping And Discipling - We believe in the next generation. We are dedicated to equipping and discipling the Church so that everyone might be brought to maturity. Colossians 1:28